We are several entrepreneurs who moved with their families to the Netherlands on a start-up visa before and during the pandemic and decided to join forces to help Russian-speaking people from different countries who are forced to leave their country to start a new business or project in Europe, because you know what the situation is. And also for those who are already in the Netherlands and would like to start a business.
Our website and Telegram channel https://t.me/skilltostart contain information about available support measures, business news and networking, and useful courses.
We help you develop a step-by-step plan and implement your business in the Netherlands, going from idea to business, and host a series of free webinars to share our knowledge, experience and up-to-date information. The next free webinar is September 6, 2022.
Details and registration below.
Как выстроить свою эмиграционную стратегию, чтобы выйти на ПМЖ или паспорт через 5 лет.
Какие ВНЖ и кому продолжают выдавать, сроки и стоимость.
Как правильно подготовиться к подаче на ВНЖ.
Ошибки и лайфхаки эмигрантов.
Деловой климат и возможности для предпринимателей в Нидерландах.


A prerequisite for obtaining a startup visa is to support a startupfacilitator authorized by the Dutch government.The facilitator provides a residence permit for the family of the founder and co-founders, helps to find a co-founder and develop the idea, conducts acceleration programs, introduces networking, helps to attract financial support.
Where can you find such a facilitator? How to choose the right one and what are the conditions and options for cooperation with facilitators? Do I have to pay for the services of a facilitator? Can a facilitator pay a startup? How about investing in a startup? And how to successfully complete the application?
We will answer these and other questions on interaction with facilitators in detail at the webinar on September 6th.
Organizing Team Skill To Start
Organizing Team Skill To Start

Nina Rybchak
Founder and CEO of innovative HTSM startup Elibitec bv

special guest

Daria Reutovich,
Operations Director at Rockstart
Rockstart is an investment facilitator with a global network and offices in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Bogotá. Includes a team of experienced entrepreneurs who help aspiring entrepreneurs optimize your time and resources to achieve the best possible result. The facilitator focuses on rapid scaling for aspiring founders in energy, agriculture, and new technologies through dedicated programs, , to market and invest from pre-seed to series B.
Программа конференции
1. Стартап виза. Самый выгодный способ перевезти свою команду и семью. Как работает программа, как подготовить стартап для подачи фасилитатору и на какие меры поддержки может рассчитывать предприниматель. Нина Рыбчак.
2. Виза квалифицированного мигранта. Как работает программа для экспатов. Неожиданный вариант для предпринимателей переезда через открытие собственного рабочего места. Михаил Колманович.
3. Бизнес виза. Право на открытие своего бизнеса в Нидерландах. Условия получения, как оценить свои шансы на успех и доказать свою пользу и связи с голландским рынком. Светлана Кошек.
4. Стратегия и тактика эмиграции. Как выбирать страны для своих деловых и личных целей. Как комбинировать учебные, ориентационные, деловые и визы экспатов, чтобы реализовать свой профессиональный и деловой потенциал. Алексей Ермаков.

We are several entrepreneurs who moved with their families to the Netherlands on a start-up visa before and during the pandemic and decided to join forces to help Russian-speaking people from different countries who are forced to leave their country to start a new business or project in Europe, because you know what the situation is. And also for those who are already in the Netherlands and would like to start a business.
Our website and Telegram channel https://t.me/skilltostart contain information about available support measures, business news and networking, and useful courses.
We help you develop a step-by-step plan and implement your business in the Netherlands, going from idea to business, and host a series of free webinars to share our knowledge, experience and up-to-date information. The next free webinar is September 6, 2022.
Details and registration below.
В нашем Телеграмм канале @skilltostart размещается информация о доступных мерах поддержки, деловых новостях и нетворкинге, полезных курсах.